US Metropolitan Area
Public Transport Ridership Trend:
Regional Summary: 1980-1996

1996 US Metropolitan Area Public Transport Statistics Index

Ridership: 1980-1996

Per Capita Ridership 1980-1996

Change in Annual Boardings 1980-1996

Ranked by 1996 Ridership

Ranked by 1996 Per Capita Ridership

Ranked by 1980-1996 Change in Per Capita Ridership

Ranked by Change in Annual Boardings 1980-1996

Ridership Trends by Region: 1980-1996:
Metropolitan Areas over 1,000,000 and Honolulu

Region 1980 1990 1996 1980-96 Change 1990-6
1980-96 Annual 1990-96 Annual
Annual Boardings in Millions
East 4,282.4 4,186.9 3,890.6 -9.1% -7.1% -0.60% -0.46%
Midwest 1,442.0 1,150.1 940.1 -34.8% -18.3% -2.64% -1.25%
South 574.3 644.5 631.5 10.0% -2.0% 0.60% -0.13%
West 1,387.7 1,423.0 1,505.4 8.5% 5.8% 0.51% 0.35%
United States 7,686.4 7,404.5 6,967.6 -9.4% -5.9% -0.61% -0.38%
Annual Per Capita Boardings
East 108.8 94.0 85.4 -21.5% -9.1% -1.50% -0.59%
Midwest 51.7 38.4 30.0 -41.9% -21.7% -3.34% -1.52%
South 24.5 21.5 18.8 -23.3% -12.8% -1.64% -0.85%
West 48.7 39.0 37.5 -23.0% -3.7% -1.62% -0.24%
United States 64.5 52.5 46.3 -28.2% -11.9% -2.05% -0.79%

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