St. Louis Public Transport
Market Share Information

St. Louis Urbanized Area

Change in Passenger Miles: 1990-1995

  Increase in Person Miles (Millions) Change Percent of New Travel
Highway 2,900.0 17.6% 99.8%
Transit 6.5 3.4% 0.2%
Source: Estimated from Federal Transit Administration and Federal Highway Administration Data

St. Louis Urbanized Area

Index of Traffic Congestion Avoided by

Change in Transit Ridership: 1990-1995
4.1 Days

This index is calculated by comparing transit and highway person mile growth from 1990 to 1995. In the case of St. Louis, the increase in transit usage could have avoided no more than 4.1 days of highway traffic growth (mostly due to the addition of a light rail line).

The implication of this is that the growth in transit ridership in St. Louis reduced traffic growth to the point that on December 14, 1995 traffic was at a level that would otherwise have been attained on December 10, 1995 --- a net benefit of 4 days.

Source: Estimated from Federal Transit Administration and Federal Highway Administration Data

St. Louis Metropolitan Area: 1990

Public Transit Market Share by Area

Area Total Workers Transit Commuters Transit Market Share Jobs per Square Mile Transit Commuters per Square Mile Transit Commuter Income Compared to Metropolitan Average
Central Business District (CBD) 101,749 10,656 10.5% 37,168 3,892.5 -26.5%
City without CBD 215,177 11,699 5.4% 3,631 197.4 -54.9%
St. Louis County 518,326 7,813 1.5% 1,020 15.4 -55.7%
Balance of Metropolitan Area 321,765 2,347 0.7% 67 0.5 -54.2%
Metropolitan Area 1,157,017 32,515 2.8% 214 6 -45.7%
Calculated from US Census Bureau data.

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