New Zealand Light Rail Association Says
Traffic Relief Not Main Justification
for Light Rail
In an article in the New Zealand Herald dated 24 March, Light Rail Transit Association Auckland officer
Graham Bush criticized and analysis of light rail by Wendell Cox Consultancy, incidating that "Condeming
lighr rail for failing to curb congestion is erecting a straw man, for such has never been its main
In response, principal Wendell Cox indicated that virtually all light rail proposals in the United States have had as their primary justification the
reduction of traffic congestion. He further indicated that "it is reassuring to see that the Light Rail Transit Association
recognizes the miniscule role that light rail plays in urban traffic congestion" and that "American light
rail proponents should follow the realistic and refreshing example of the New Zealand Light Rail Association
with respect to light rail's irrelevence to traffic congestion relief."