US Transport Fuel Efficiency: 1995
Energy Efficiency: 1995 |
Mode |
BTUs Per Passenger Mile |
Airline |
4,234 |
Amtrak |
2,341 |
Automobile |
3,467 |
Commuter Rail |
2,780 |
Heavy Rail |
3,790 |
Light Rail |
3,919 |
School Bus |
1,144 |
Transit Bus |
4,650 |
USDOT, USDOE & National Transit Database |
Note: It may be surprising that electric rail modes (especially light rail and heavy rail) are
so energy intensive. Most of electric rail's energy intensity is the result of massive energy losses in power generation and
transmission. Most US electric power is produced by burning fossil fuels, such as coal, oil and natural gas. Even in areas
with hydro-electric power, most new power generation capacity is fossil fuel produced.
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