Denver: Downtown (CBD) Transit Market Share by Transportation Analysis Zone

CBD Transportation Analysis Zone Map

Downtown Denver: Public Transport Work Trip Market Share: 1990
Transit Market Share Number of People
Total Single Occupant Automobile Car Pool Transit Other (Walk, etc).
1 5.3% 171 136 14 9 12
2 0.0% 287 211 68 0 8
3 0.0% 427 383 32 0 12
4 3.2% 253 184 50 8 11
5 13.0% 108 74 20 14 0
6 13.6% 4,706 3,100 712 642 252
7 7.2% 3,327 2,807 221 238 61
8 12.8% 1,448 1,047 177 185 39
9 4.9% 731 593 79 36 23
10 11.2% 259 166 44 29 20
11 13.1% 2,685 1,745 357 352 231
12 16.8% 4,991 3,310 621 837 223
13 9.3% 1,299 947 188 121 43
14 6.7% 1,475 991 246 99 139
15 23.5% 5,559 3,031 960 1,304 264
16 27.6% 7,977 4,218 1,320 2,199 240
17 14.1% 4,297 2,877 648 606 166
18 7.8% 321 217 41 25 38
19 2.8% 285 206 58 8 13
20 28.7% 857 363 193 246 55
21 20.8% 9,552 5,706 1,500 1,988 358
22 17.2% 6,717 3,951 1,497 1,158 111
23 13.9% 1,204 840 181 167 16
24 17.0% 3,459 2,107 665 587 100
25 20.6% 10,643 6,625 1,477 2,192 349
26 4.9% 4,127 3,163 645 202 117
27 12.7% 2,094 1,504 249 265 76
28 14.6% 1,628 969 279 237 143
29 20.6% 14,771 9,135 2,139 3,039 458
30 10.9% 1,443 999 236 158 50
31 12.5% 968 688 129 121 30
32 7.5% 2,117 1,553 284 158 122
33 9.8% 1,678 1,086 351 164 77
34 12.3% 837 466 146 103 122
35 10.5% 3,272 2,153 482 345 292
36 5.8% 1,800 1,277 340 105 78
Total 16.7% 107,773 68,828 16,649 17,947 4,349
Calculated from US Census Bureau data.

Denver Central Business District
Transportation Analysis Zones

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