Cincinnati Light Rail Plan (MetroMoves):
No Impact on Traffic Congestion

There are claims by local light rail proponents that without light rail, average work trip travel times will be nearly 72.2 minutes in 2030, as compared to 58.8 minutes with light rail, based upon data in the OKI "2030 Plan" (Table 16-6). In fact the subject table compares projections with respect for the entire 2030 plan to the "no-action" case, which assumes none of the improvements in the plan. The 2030 Plan includes more than 250 lane miles of new highways, which represent by far the most significant set of transportation improvements planned and are the principal cause of the reduction in travel times (calculated from Table 12-2, page 12-6).

Data from OKI 2030 Plan as follows (2030 Plan is with light rail, 2030 Base is without light rail), as reproduced from page 16-13:

This traffic projection is based upon the OKI "2030" Plan, which includes the following rail lines (Page 11-4):

Map follows:

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