USA, Canada, Australia & New Zealand Urban Areas:
Freeway Access and Capacity
ESTIMATES AT 2005.07.20 |
Ranked by Urban Access (Freeway Miles) |
Ranked by Urban Capacity (Lane Miles) |
Data |
Urban Area |
Urban Access: Freeway Miles per Urban Square Mile |
Rank |
Urban Capacity: Freeway Lane-Miles per Urban Square Mile |
Rank |
Montreal |
0.424 |
1 |
2.380 |
4 |
San Antonio TX |
0.416 |
2 |
2.108 |
6 |
Baltimore MD |
0.371 |
3 |
1.987 |
7 |
Kansas City MO-KS |
0.365 |
4 |
1.694 |
9 |
Toronto |
0.348 |
5 |
2.666 |
1 |
San Diego |
0.335 |
6 |
2.416 |
3 |
San Jose CA |
0.323 |
7 |
2.295 |
5 |
Los Angeles |
0.310 |
8 |
2.571 |
2 |
Cleveland OH |
0.287 |
9 |
1.618 |
11 |
St. Louis MO-IL |
0.282 |
10 |
1.559 |
17 |
New Orleans LA |
0.275 |
11 |
1.133 |
32 |
Columbus OH |
0.273 |
12 |
1.592 |
14 |
San Francisco |
0.270 |
13 |
1.913 |
8 |
Portland OR-WA |
0.268 |
14 |
1.430 |
21 |
Dallas-Fort Worth |
0.268 |
15 |
1.605 |
13 |
Denver-Aurora CO |
0.267 |
16 |
1.333 |
24 |
Houston |
0.263 |
17 |
1.367 |
23 |
Indianapolis IN |
0.260 |
18 |
1.460 |
19 |
New York |
0.255 |
19 |
1.502 |
18 |
Minneapolis-St. Paul MN |
0.255 |
20 |
1.277 |
26 |
Riverside-San Bernardino CA |
0.251 |
21 |
1.611 |
12 |
Pittsburgh PA |
0.249 |
22 |
1.042 |
37 |
Washington |
0.249 |
23 |
1.563 |
16 |
Sacramento CA |
0.244 |
24 |
1.651 |
10 |
Buffalo NY |
0.240 |
25 |
1.103 |
36 |
Seattle |
0.237 |
26 |
1.396 |
22 |
Orlando FL |
0.237 |
27 |
1.147 |
30 |
Cincinnati OH-KY-IN |
0.236 |
28 |
1.318 |
25 |
Milwaukee WI |
0.231 |
29 |
1.197 |
28 |
Detroit |
0.229 |
30 |
1.436 |
20 |
Providence RI-MA |
0.228 |
31 |
1.125 |
35 |
Las Vegas NV |
0.223 |
32 |
1.590 |
15 |
Oklahoma City OK |
0.206 |
33 |
1.129 |
33 |
Philadelphia |
0.199 |
34 |
1.013 |
38 |
Boston |
0.197 |
35 |
1.129 |
34 |
Miami |
0.188 |
36 |
1.146 |
31 |
Virginia Beach VA |
0.184 |
37 |
0.940 |
41 |
Auckland |
0.179 |
38 |
0.781 |
42 |
Chicago |
0.171 |
39 |
0.957 |
40 |
Phoenix |
0.168 |
40 |
1.162 |
29 |
Melbourne |
0.166 |
41 |
0.987 |
39 |
Vancouver |
0.165 |
42 |
0.676 |
43 |
Atlanta |
0.164 |
43 |
1.249 |
27 |
Sydney |
0.140 |
44 |
0.618 |
44 |
Brisbane |
0.120 |
45 |
0.489 |
46 |
Tampa-St. Petersburg FL |
0.094 |
46 |
0.502 |
45 |
Perth |
0.064 |
47 |
0.312 |
47 |
Adelaide |
0.023 |
48 |
0.109 |
48 |
Urban Area |
Urban Access: Freeway Miles per Urban Square Mile |
Rank |
Urban Capacity: Freeway Lane-Miles per Urban Square Mile |
Rank |
Toronto |
0.348 |
5 |
2.666 |
1 |
Los Angeles |
0.310 |
8 |
2.571 |
2 |
San Diego |
0.335 |
6 |
2.416 |
3 |
Montreal |
0.424 |
1 |
2.380 |
4 |
San Jose CA |
0.323 |
7 |
2.295 |
5 |
San Antonio TX |
0.416 |
2 |
2.108 |
6 |
Baltimore MD |
0.371 |
3 |
1.987 |
7 |
San Francisco |
0.270 |
13 |
1.913 |
8 |
Kansas City MO-KS |
0.365 |
4 |
1.694 |
9 |
Sacramento CA |
0.244 |
24 |
1.651 |
10 |
Cleveland OH |
0.287 |
9 |
1.618 |
11 |
Riverside-San Bernardino CA |
0.251 |
21 |
1.611 |
12 |
Dallas-Fort Worth |
0.268 |
15 |
1.605 |
13 |
Columbus OH |
0.273 |
12 |
1.592 |
14 |
Las Vegas NV |
0.223 |
32 |
1.590 |
15 |
Washington |
0.249 |
23 |
1.563 |
16 |
St. Louis MO-IL |
0.282 |
10 |
1.559 |
17 |
New York |
0.255 |
19 |
1.502 |
18 |
Indianapolis IN |
0.260 |
18 |
1.460 |
19 |
Detroit |
0.229 |
30 |
1.436 |
20 |
Portland OR-WA |
0.268 |
14 |
1.430 |
21 |
Seattle |
0.237 |
26 |
1.396 |
22 |
Houston |
0.263 |
17 |
1.367 |
23 |
Denver-Aurora CO |
0.267 |
16 |
1.333 |
24 |
Cincinnati OH-KY-IN |
0.236 |
28 |
1.318 |
25 |
Minneapolis-St. Paul MN |
0.255 |
20 |
1.277 |
26 |
Atlanta |
0.164 |
43 |
1.249 |
27 |
Milwaukee WI |
0.231 |
29 |
1.197 |
28 |
Phoenix |
0.168 |
40 |
1.162 |
29 |
Orlando FL |
0.237 |
27 |
1.147 |
30 |
Miami |
0.188 |
36 |
1.146 |
31 |
New Orleans LA |
0.275 |
11 |
1.133 |
32 |
Oklahoma City OK |
0.206 |
33 |
1.129 |
33 |
Boston |
0.197 |
35 |
1.129 |
34 |
Providence RI-MA |
0.228 |
31 |
1.125 |
35 |
Buffalo NY |
0.240 |
25 |
1.103 |
36 |
Pittsburgh PA |
0.249 |
22 |
1.042 |
37 |
Philadelphia |
0.199 |
34 |
1.013 |
38 |
Melbourne |
0.166 |
41 |
0.987 |
39 |
Chicago |
0.171 |
39 |
0.957 |
40 |
Virginia Beach VA |
0.184 |
37 |
0.940 |
41 |
Auckland |
0.179 |
38 |
0.781 |
42 |
Vancouver |
0.165 |
42 |
0.676 |
43 |
Sydney |
0.140 |
44 |
0.618 |
44 |
Tampa-St. Petersburg FL |
0.094 |
46 |
0.502 |
45 |
Brisbane |
0.120 |
45 |
0.489 |
46 |
Perth |
0.064 |
47 |
0.312 |
47 |
Adelaide |
0.023 |
48 |
0.109 |
48 |
Urban Area |
Population (000) |
Land Area (Square Miles) |
Freeway Route Miles |
Lane Miles |
Adelaide |
1,000 |
350 |
8 |
38 |
Atlanta |
3,500 |
1,830 |
300 |
2,285 |
Auckland |
1,023 |
205 |
37 |
160 |
Baltimore MD |
2,310 |
770 |
286 |
1,530 |
Boston |
3,990 |
2,100 |
414 |
2,370 |
Brisbane |
1,450 |
740 |
89 |
362 |
Buffalo NY |
1,130 |
580 |
139 |
640 |
Chicago |
8,125 |
2,785 |
475 |
2,665 |
Cincinnati OH-KY-IN |
1,605 |
880 |
208 |
1,160 |
Cleveland OH |
1,880 |
850 |
244 |
1,375 |
Columbus OH |
1,190 |
600 |
164 |
955 |
Dallas-Fort Worth |
4,300 |
1,935 |
518 |
3,105 |
Denver-Aurora CO |
2,050 |
855 |
228 |
1,140 |
Detroit |
4,050 |
1,330 |
304 |
1,910 |
Houston |
3,750 |
1,800 |
473 |
2,460 |
Indianapolis IN |
1,035 |
500 |
130 |
730 |
Kansas City MO-KS |
1,500 |
1,045 |
381 |
1,770 |
Las Vegas NV |
1,360 |
305 |
68 |
485 |
Los Angeles |
12,500 |
2,275 |
705 |
5,850 |
Melbourne |
3,050 |
760 |
126 |
750 |
Miami |
5,100 |
1,680 |
316 |
1,925 |
Milwaukee WI |
1,450 |
585 |
135 |
700 |
Minneapolis-St. Paul MN |
2,475 |
1,245 |
318 |
1,590 |
Montreal |
3,216 |
671 |
284 |
1,597 |
New Orleans LA |
1,095 |
375 |
103 |
425 |
New York |
17,700 |
4,775 |
1,220 |
7,170 |
Oklahoma City OK |
1,090 |
695 |
143 |
785 |
Orlando FL |
1,260 |
680 |
161 |
780 |
Perth |
1,300 |
670 |
43 |
209 |
Philadelphia |
5,285 |
2,270 |
451 |
2,300 |
Phoenix |
3,005 |
1,140 |
192 |
1,325 |
Pittsburgh PA |
1,795 |
1,200 |
299 |
1,250 |
Portland OR-WA |
1,670 |
500 |
134 |
715 |
Providence RI-MA |
1,230 |
800 |
182 |
900 |
Riverside-San Bernardino CA |
1,670 |
565 |
142 |
910 |
Sacramento CA |
1,655 |
430 |
105 |
710 |
San Antonio TX |
1,330 |
510 |
212 |
1,075 |
San Diego |
2,870 |
770 |
258 |
1,860 |
San Francisco |
4,125 |
1,265 |
342 |
2,420 |
San Jose CA |
1,675 |
390 |
126 |
895 |
Seattle |
2,900 |
1,250 |
296 |
1,745 |
St. Louis MO-IL |
2,075 |
1,145 |
323 |
1,785 |
Sydney |
3,500 |
600 |
84 |
371 |
Tampa-St. Petersburg FL |
2,050 |
1,345 |
127 |
675 |
Toronto |
4,367 |
639 |
222 |
1,703 |
Vancouver |
1,830 |
432 |
71 |
292 |
Virginia Beach VA |
1,535 |
1,000 |
184 |
940 |
Washington |
4,270 |
1,305 |
325 |
2,040 |
Freeway: A roadway with two or more lanes in each direction with no at-grade cross-traffic (a freeway may or may not be tolled). Also called an autoroute or
motorway. |
Urban area: Area of continuous urban development (includes continuous suburban development) |
Urban areas with more than 1,000,000 population. International urban area data from Demographia World
Urban Areas. |
US data from Federal Highway Administration and Texas Transportation Institute (this data does not necessarily correspond with Census Bureau data). Atlanta population estimate from Demographia. |
A one-way freeway (such as the Southwest Freeway in Adelaide) is counted as 0.5 miles per route mile. |
International freeway data estimated by Demographia (The Public Purpose) using maps and satellite images. |
2000-2003 data. |
To facilitate the ideal of government as the servant of the people
by identifying and implementing strategies to achieve public purposes
at a cost that is no higher than necessary.
(c) 1994-2006 --- Wendell Cox Consultancy (Demographia) --- Permission granted to use with attribution.