Portland Metro Government
There is a growing citizen movement in opposition to Portland's 2040 regional plan, based on the "new urbanism." As of June 1997, signatures were being sought for a statewide voter initiative that would abolish metropolitan governments, such as Metro. Success of this initiative would leave no public authority with the power to implement the 2040 plan. The initiative would be on the November 1998 ballot, and is being proposed by the same citizens group that proposed the successful initiative to abolish funding for Portland's third light rail line (the $3 billion "South-North line).Background The "new urbanism" involves a number of proposed policies that would limit urban sprawl, and seek to limit dependency on the private automobile. Proponents point to Portland, Oregon as the public policy leader in this movement. In that city, the elected metropolitan government (Metro) has adopted a year "2040" plan that would virtually stop urban sprawl (by freeaing the "urban growth boundary"), force more dense residential and commerical development, make singnificantly expand the area's light rail system and place a moratorium on freeway (motorway) expansion. The Portland "model" is being touted around the world as a succees. But this is premature:
If there is anything worse that Los Angeles with its freeways, it is Los Angeles without its freeways --- something Portland appears on track to accomplish.And it is not at all clear that the 2040 plan will be implemented.
The New Urbanism: The Other Side (with Links)